The Sustainable Finance Skillnet has announced an updated course on the EU Taxonomy – Environmentally Sustainable Investments, which will take place over 5 mornings from the 25th November to 7th December. Grant funding of 50% is available for this course.
This 11-hour training course is aimed at investment professionals/financial market participants who would like to improve their understanding for investments into environmentally sustainable economic activities.
The course aims to assist investment professionals to gain a firm understanding of the EU Taxonomy and its practical implementation. The EU Taxonomy provides a framework to facilitate sustainable investment and in doing so aims to harmonise the criteria for determining whether an economic activity qualifies as
environmentally sustainable.
Course details:
The training modules include four parts:
1. Pathway to Paris Alignment and Net Zero (2030/2050) and Technical Aspects of EU Taxonomy;
2. Data – understanding availability, where and how to access, liabilities, future developments;
3. Disclosure – understanding the Taxonomy Regulation and the Sustainability-related Disclosure
Regulation compliance requirements in connection with environmentally sustainable activities,
developments in European Supervisory Authorities Regulatory Technical Standards, linkage to
investment products and update on Ecolabel for EU Taxonomy products; and
4. Case Studies – Practical implementation of Parts 1, 2 and 3
The 11 hours of tuition are conveniently delivered online over 4x 2hr and 1x 3hr sessions, spread across five
The training course offers 33 hours of CPD for 2021, approved by the Institute of Bankers including QFA (3hrs CPD), CPD Member (3 hrs CPD), RS CPD Member (3hrs CPD), LCOI (4 hrs CPD), Professional Banker (3hrs CPD), Chartered Banker (3 hrs CPD), FCOI Compliance (2 hrs CPD) and Accredited Funds Professional (3
hrs CPD), Savings and Investments MCC (3 hrs CPD per Product Category).
The Course is developed and delivered by ELS Europe. The trainer, Dawn Slevin, is a sustainable finance expert who was a member of the European Commission’s Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) from 2018 to 2020 tasked with building the first phase of the EU Taxonomy.
Dawn is Managing Director of ELS Europe, a member of the DG-FISMA Technical Expert Group (TEG) building Europe’s first Green Sustainable Finance Taxonomy and a member of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) Project Task Force on reporting of non-financial risks and opportunities and linkage to the business model. Dawn is a
Chartered Environmentalist (CENV) and Chartered Waste Manager (MCIWM), holds an MSc. with Distinction, Environmental Engineering from Queen’s University Belfast (2002) and Honours Degree Environmental Science from Trinity College Dublin (1994),and is a member of associated professional institutions.
Dates of Training
• 25 & 26th November (10 am to 12 pm each day)
• 29th November (10 am to 1 pm)
• 6th & 7th December (10 am to 12 pm each day)
Attendee information
Attendance is open to registration on a first come/first served basis, with funding of 50% available for Irish Financial Services Firms. Contact sk****@su****************.ie to register or for more information. An understanding of the sustainable finance agenda at intermediate level or above is assumed for attendees.
€900 or €450 (50% grant supported) for those seeking Sustainable Finance Skillnet support.
The Sustainable Finance Skillnet has answered some FAQs below:
Who is organising this opportunity?
This opportunity is being organised by the Sustainable Finance Skillnet, with funding from the National Training Fund through the Department of Further & Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. The Sustainable Finance Skillnet is hosted by Sustainable Finance Ireland, Ireland’s leading national platform working to advance the sustainable finance agenda at home and abroad (
How are places allocated?
Places are allocated on a first come/first serve basis, email now to register your interest (sk****@su****************.ie)
Who is eligible for grant funding for these courses?
Any Irish-based employee of a financial services sector company.
How much grant funding is available?
In this case, 50% grant funding is available, with the other 50% being matched funding.
How is the matched funding payable?
Matched funding must be paid by your employer, after being invoiced by the Sustainable Finance Skillnet. Payment is by bank transfer only, we cannot accept credit cards.
Can I just pay the matched funding myself?
Unfortunately not, Skillnet funding is a business support only. However, if your employer agrees (in writing) to reimburse you or expense the matched funding, then we can support you and you can pay the matched funding directly.
I’m interested in Sustainable Finance but want to do a different course – can you help me?
If you have identified another Sustainable finance course, we would be happy to consider it for support – get in touch.
My company would like to do Sustainable Finance training in-house – can you help?
We can and do support such in-house training – get in touch.
Will there be more opportunities like this in future?
Yes, we will be running and/or funding a number of sustainable finance and ESG-related courses, webinars, masterclasses and events on an ongoing basis.